Hollard Gardens are located on Upper Manaia Road, near Kaponga. This memorial rock, located in the gardens, is a tribute to the founders Bernie and Rose Hollard. 

The ten-tonne rock was donated by Charlie Matthews and Kaponga artist, Roger Morris, sculpted the rock into the shape seen today. It was lifted into place in December 1999, with the artist expecting the work to take about 12 months.

In 1926 the Hollard's took over the family farm near Kaponga and set about creating a beautiful garden. By the 1970s it was open to the public over Labour Weekend and in 1986 the family donated a large garden area to the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust. The garden is now owned and managed by the Taranaki Regional Council. 

Bernie Hollard died in July 1996, a month short of his 94th birthday. Rose died in 2004, aged 89.

Related documents:

Better yet at gardens (Daily News 12 September 1986)

Family gives again (Daily News 1 May 1987)

Founder of Hollard Gardens dies (Daily News 15 July 1996)

Contented head at Hollard (Taranaki Daily News 17 March 2018)


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