On 14 April 1908 the Taranaki Hospital Board and Charitable Aid Board approved a plan of Messers Russell and Son for the construction of the gates and brick wall. Prominent Taranaki architect Frank Messenger called for tenders in the Taranaki Herald on 25 April 1908, so it seems likely he supervised their construction. On 2 December 1908 the Chairman of the  Hospital Board reported that the gates had been completed at a cost of £87.

It appears the wall was built the following year as a writer to the editor of the Taranaki Herald on 6 April, 1909, commented "With other ratepayers I have been considerably exercised this last week to notice that the Hospital Board has destroyed the fine hedge along the Dawson Street frontage of the grounds, and has begun the erection of a most expensive brick and mortar fence." Funds to pay for the fence came from the surplus of the annual "Hospital Saturday" fundraiser.

In 2013 a heritage evaluation of the gates, the Dawson Street wall and Baker Cottage was prepared.

Finally, in 2016 the New Plymouth District Council agreed that the gates were of historic value and they were granted Category A protection.

Related documents:

Last Swing For Gates (Daily News 29 November 1973)

Vandels rush to take apart old hospital (Taranaki Daily News 4 October 2013)

Gates' fate hinges on heritage status (Taranaki Daily News 24 October 2013)

Old hospital gates may get a reprieve (Taranaki Daily News 31 March 2014)

Heritage gates, wall could be restored (Taranaki Daily News 14 April 2014)

Future of historic gates is debated in private (Taranaki Daily News 15 Apr 2016)


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